Craps: How To Win For The Beginner

Goals and strategies for the novice craps playerFirst of all, let me congratulate you on becoming a craps player. As you’ve probably already experienced, craps is one of the most exciting and fast paced games in the casino.It also offers a very small house edge (if you play right) and gives the player a great … Continue reading Craps: How To Win For The Beginner

Craps: Controlled Shooter Betting Strategy

The betting strategy for the Controlled Shooter is very different from the average craps player. While the goal of the average craps player is to place bets having a lower house edge (casino advantage), the Controlled Shooter's is betting according to which bets give him/her the greatest advantage over the casino based on their skill … Continue reading Craps: Controlled Shooter Betting Strategy

Craps Strategies For The Intermediate Craps Player

Congratulations on reaching the intermediate level of craps play!! Now is when the real fun starts and your chances for beating the craps tables becomes a reality.At this point you understand the game, rules, bets, payouts, house edge, have a feel for the ebbs and flows of the game and hopefully have worked on your … Continue reading Craps Strategies For The Intermediate Craps Player

Craps:  Come Bets vs. Place Bets – Which is better?

This question comes up all the time. Which is a better bet in the game of Craps, a ‘Come Bet’ or a ‘Place Bet’?Both Come Bets and Place Bets play vital rolls within different strategies and based on the particular strategy you’re using, you could make the case that either is better than the other, … Continue reading Craps:  Come Bets vs. Place Bets – Which is better?

Craps: High Risk Betting Strategies

If you’re looking for some high thrills and are feeling very lucky, then take a look at the strategies listed below.Even though these strategies can lead to some big wins if you hit on them, there are a number of reasons they’re not recommended to be included in your repertoire of strategies to use at … Continue reading Craps: High Risk Betting Strategies

Craps: 5 Count Strategy

The ‘5 Count Craps Strategy’ was initially developed by Dr. Don Catlin, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at the University of Massachusetts and was later given prominence by Frank Scoblete, a professional craps player.The 5-Count Strategy is used on random rollers at the craps table to ‘qualify the shooter’ to determine if you’re going to place … Continue reading Craps: 5 Count Strategy

Craps:  6 and 8 Place Bet Strategies

It’s no surprise that multitudes of strategies have been developed around place betting the (6) & (8) as these numbers give the craps player one of the be best advantages of beating the casinos.First of all, both the (6) and the (8) are the numbers likely to roll most often, next to the (7). There … Continue reading Craps:  6 and 8 Place Bet Strategies

Craps: Lay the 4 or 10 Betting Strategy

Laying the (4) or the (10) is a relatively popular bet for those playing the dark (don’t) side of craps. It’s easy, simple and puts you on the casino side of the odds at the table.It’s widely used by experienced players deploying a number of different positive and negative progressions and is also a great … Continue reading Craps: Lay the 4 or 10 Betting Strategy

Craps: Parity Hedge Strategy

The Parity Hedge Strategy comes with a legend behind it. To this day, no one really knows if the story behind the strategy is real or a just an urban legend, but we’ll take a look at the merits of the strategy itself.It supposedly started in the 1970s, when a group of physicists from the … Continue reading Craps: Parity Hedge Strategy

Craps: $75 Don’t Pass with Options Combo Strategy

You've probably seen or heard about one of the variations of this strategy at the casino or read about it or even watched a video online. It's gained popularity over the last several years and everyone has been coming up with their own twist or version of it.This strategy combines a $75 Don't Pass bet … Continue reading Craps: $75 Don’t Pass with Options Combo Strategy