Craps: Dice Sets & Dice Setting For The Controlled Shooter

There are now studies demonstrating that how the dice are set before tossing them will have a statistically significant impact on the outcome of the dice roll. By itself, this isn’t enough for the average craps shooter to make a difference in achieving success at the craps tables. But, for the Controlled Shooter, dice setting … Continue reading Craps: Dice Sets & Dice Setting For The Controlled Shooter

Craps: Parity Hedge Strategy

The Parity Hedge Strategy comes with a legend behind it. To this day, no one really knows if the story behind the strategy is real or a just an urban legend, but we’ll take a look at the merits of the strategy itself.It supposedly started in the 1970s, when a group of physicists from the … Continue reading Craps: Parity Hedge Strategy

How To Handle ‘HEAT’ At The Craps Table

If you haven't already, as you get better and more consistent at influencing the dice, you're going to start to get 'Heat' at the table.Almost everyone sets their dice these days, whether they're attempting to control their throw or it's just a routine of theirs, so no one seems to pay attention to that.It starts … Continue reading How To Handle ‘HEAT’ At The Craps Table